4 Questions an NPI Identification Solution Can Answer

September 1, 2021
Jason Sperber

For pharma marketers, the pandemic has caused a huge shift in not only their personal lives, but also in the way they operate professionally. And I am not just talking about working from home, I am talking about the way they reach their HCPs. Previously, healthcare marketers relied heavily on traditional means of advertising, like print, TV and radio, to reach their target audience. Not to mention, with new restrictions in play, pharma sales reps could no longer visit the HCPs directly. Lo and behold, pharma marketers had to quickly adopt a more digital approach. 

Marketers put a tremendous budget behind connected TV, programmatic display, native, email, paid search, social media, among others to reach their HCP audience where they are. With almost 95% of healthcare brands reporting they are using digital channels to reach HCPs since COVID-19, it is evident that this has now become the “new norm” for pharma marketers. 

Okay great, but why does that matter?

While healthcare marketers are able to utilize these channels to continue their engagement with HCPs, 50% of digital touchpoints have remained anonymous. That being said, there were many blindspots in the HCP digital profile and much missed opportunity by a lack of coordination between online and offline engagement. In order to fill in all of these blanks, pharma brands should consider using an NPI identification solution to track HCP engagement across all touchpoints. 

Not convinced? Here are four questions that an NPI identification solution can answer: 

Who specifically is visiting your site or clicking your ads?

A digital identity solution can reveal which HCPs are visiting your site and engaging with your advertisements. Not only does knowing the identity of your HCP audience bring newfound opportunities for your sales team, but it can help you better allocate your advertising budgets toward channels that bring high quality visitors to your site. Avoid wasting money on non-HCPs and enable smarter spending towards high-valued prospects. 

What HCPs are doing while on your site?

Better understand the interests of your HCP audience through a comprehensive view of their actions on your site. See what they click on, what content they download, what page they spend the most time on, and use those insights to customize their experience with your brand. Quit guessing and deliver information that is guaranteed to be of interest to to your target audience. 

When HCPs are most likely to engage with your brand?

Imagine you could “accidentally” bump into your desired audience. With a NPI identity solution, you can use historical data to determine the time and day that an individual HCP is likely to interact with your brand’s content. Using these predictions can help you mitigate wasted spend on non-relevant advertising times and focus your efforts on when they matter most. 

Where your HCP audience comes from?

Across the digital land, map out your users’ entire journey that led them to X marks the spot: your brand’s site. By knowing which channels, devices, and URLs each individual HCP took, you can track performance across all digital touchpoints and optimize your omnichannel efforts. You can also get a deeper understanding of each specific HCP’s typical online behavior and promote even more meaningful engagement across the customer journey. 

One last question to be answered… Are you ready to get started and solve your HCP audience’s digital identity? Book a demo for PulsePoint’s award-winning NPI identity solution, HCP365.

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