Can CTV Healthcare Advertising Really Reach (and Impact) HCPs?

December 19, 2022
Eric Juran

Can CTV health ads deliver campaign results?

As we outlined in the first blog post in this series, connected TV (CTV) advertising is a rapidly growing trend in digital marketing. But does it reach HCPs, and could it have the power to influence script writing? Does it reach consumers and affect their healthcare journeys?

What CTV advertising means for healthcare brands

Whether you are trying to reach HCPs or consumers with your brand messaging, they are both going to be streaming video via CTV devices. For a pharmaceutical brand to make the most of their advertising investment, they need to include advertising placement in their omnichannel approach that reaches both of those audiences. Remember that doctors have their blue jeans moments too, which includes increasingly consuming video through CTV. An HCP watching a video on a smart TV who sees a consumer-focused ad for a new drug might be inclined to learn more about the drug, especially if they haven’t prescribed it before. And because HCPs are just like regular consumers, they also might reach for a second screen, such as their mobile phone, to search for more information while watching your ad on their CTV device. According to MediaPost, 76% of consumers, on average, reported using a secondary device while watching streaming video through their TV.

The CTV advertising results for healthcare brands are clear

A recent analysis of a large pharmaceutical neurology brand’s delivery of advertising through CTV found that the brand achieved a 5x increase on the value of new patient starts attributable to new prescribers. For the study, the brand split its target HCP audiences into test and control groups, with the test group exposed to brand advertising across the entire available network of their demand-side platforms (DSPs), including CTV inventory, while the control group received no CTV advertising. After the campaign, the brand measured the lift in script writing behavior for the test and control HCP audiences. Based on the analysis, the campaign yielded:

  • 36 net new HCP prescribers previously loyal to competitive brand
  • 52 new patients from these previously non-prescribing HCPs
  • 5.3x return on investment based on customer lifetime value of a new patient start

As part of the analysis, the brand and their DSP looked at prescribers writing scripts for competitive brands who they reached, with 100% certainty, with ads in CTV. The data conclusively showed that some of those prescribers switched from a competitive brand’s drug to the pharmaceutical neurology brand’s offering. These results clearly demonstrate how CTV provides an ideal location to reach both HCPs and consumers—having a demonstrable impact on campaign ROI.

To get the benefits of CTV advertising, you need the right tools

At the heart of any omnichannel strategy is a good DSP. Although there are many to choose from, to achieve the results reflected in the study, you need a DSP that allows you to manage campaigns across channels, leverage existing assets for consistent messaging, and, most importantly, interpret addressability and health journey stages using real audiences built from first-party data.

Not all DSPs provide this kind of data for healthcare marketers but having a foundation of first-party data is critical to getting the most out of programmatic advertising opportunities like CTV. Life by PulsePoint™ is a DSP that can help you achieve the same results in CTV advertising as the pharmaceutical neurology brand by leveraging the power of our platform, first-party data, and our CTV advertising best practices. We can help you reach your HCP or consumer audiences wherever they are in their journey, whether that’s on the web or a connected TV. Contact us at to discuss your CTV campaign today!

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